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320 lines
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!! This file is part of MicropolisJ.
!! Copyright (C) 2013 Jason Long
!! Portions Copyright (C) 1989-2007 Electronic Arts Inc.
!! MicropolisJ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU GPLv3, with additional terms.
!! See the README file, included in this distribution, for details.
! Main window
!! French - France Translation by Benoît Gross June 2013
PRODUCT = MicropolisJ
main.save_query = Voulez-vous sauvegarder la ville?
main.date_label = Date:
main.funds_label = Fonds:
main.population_label = Population:
main.error_caption = Erreur
main.error_unexpected = Une erreur inattendue est survenue
main.error_show_stacktrace = Voir les détails
main.error_close = Abandonner
main.error_shutdown = Quitter
error.shutdown_query = Voulez-vous vraiment quitter? Votre ville ne sera pas sauvegardée.
main.tools_caption = Outils
main.about_caption = À propos de MicropolisJ
main.version_string = Version {0} (Java %java.version%, %java.vendor%)
main.caption_unnamed_city = MicropolisJ
main.caption_named_city = {0} - MicropolisJ
main.about_text = <html>\
<p>Copyright 2013 Jason Long<br>\
<p>Traduction Française: Benoît Gross<br>\
Portions Copyright 1989-2007 Electronic Arts Inc.</p>\
<p>Ceci est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer/modifier <br>\
sous les termes de la licence GNU GPLv3; voir le fichier README pour plus de détails.</p>\
<p>Il n'y a aucune garantie, dans la mesure permise par la loi.</p>\
<p>Pour le code source, visitez http://code.google.com/p/micropolis/.</p>\
cty_file = Fichier CTY
funds = ${0,number,integer}
citytime = {0,date,MMM yyyy}
! Welcome screen
welcome.caption = Bienvenue à MicropolisJ
welcome.previous_map = Carte précédente
welcome.next_map = Carte suivante
welcome.play_this_map = Jouer avec cette carte
welcome.load_city = Charger une ville
welcome.cancel = Annuler
welcome.quit = Quitter
! Menus
menu.zones = Zones
menu.zones.ALL = Toutes
menu.zones.RESIDENTIAL = Residentielle
menu.zones.COMMERCIAL = Commerciale
menu.zones.INDUSTRIAL = Industrielle
menu.zones.TRANSPORT = Transports
menu.overlays = Calques
menu.overlays.POPDEN_OVERLAY = Densité de population
menu.overlays.GROWTHRATE_OVERLAY = Taux de croissance
menu.overlays.LANDVALUE_OVERLAY = Valeur du terrain
menu.overlays.CRIME_OVERLAY = Taux de criminalité
menu.overlays.POLLUTE_OVERLAY = Pollution
menu.overlays.TRAFFIC_OVERLAY = Densité du trafic
menu.overlays.POWER_OVERLAY = Carte énergétique
menu.overlays.FIRE_OVERLAY = Couverture incendie
menu.overlays.POLICE_OVERLAY = Couverture policière
menu.game = Jeu
menu.game.new = Nouvelle ville...
menu.game.load = Charger une ville...
menu.game.save = Sauvegarder la ville
menu.game.save_as = Sauvegarder la ville sous...
menu.game.exit = Quitter
menu.options = Options
menu.options.auto_budget = Budget automatique
menu.options.auto_bulldoze = Bulldozer automatique
menu.options.disasters = Désastres
menu.options.sound = Son
menu.difficulty = Difficulté
menu.difficulty.0 = Facile
menu.difficulty.1 = Moyenne
menu.difficulty.2 = Difficile
menu.disasters = Désastres
menu.disasters.MONSTER = Monstre
menu.disasters.FIRE = Incendie
menu.disasters.FLOOD = Inondation
menu.disasters.MELTDOWN = Catastrophe nucléaire
menu.disasters.TORNADO = Tornade
menu.disasters.EARTHQUAKE = Tremblement de terre
menu.speed = Vitesse
menu.speed.SUPER_FAST = Super rapide
menu.speed.FAST = Rapide
menu.speed.NORMAL = Normale
menu.speed.SLOW = Lente
menu.speed.PAUSED = Pause
menu.windows = Fenêtres
menu.windows.budget = Budget
menu.windows.evaluation = Évaluation
menu.windows.graph = Graphiques
menu.help = Aide
menu.help.launch-translation-tool = Lancer l'outil de traduction
menu.help.about = À propos
! Tools
tool.BULLDOZER.icon = /icdozr.png
tool.BULLDOZER.selected_icon = /icdozrhi.png
tool.BULLDOZER.tip = Bulldozer
tool.WIRE.name = LIGNE
tool.WIRE.icon = /icwire.png
tool.WIRE.selected_icon = /icwirehi.png
tool.WIRE.tip = Construire des lignes électriques
tool.PARK.name = PARC
tool.PARK.icon = /icpark.png
tool.PARK.selected_icon = /icparkhi.png
tool.PARK.tip = Construire des parcs
tool.ROADS.name = ROUTE
tool.ROADS.icon = /icroad.png
tool.ROADS.selected_icon = /icroadhi.png
tool.ROADS.tip = Construire des routes
tool.RAIL.name = RAIL
tool.RAIL.icon = /icrail.png
tool.RAIL.selected_icon = /icrailhi.png
tool.RAIL.tip = Construire des voies
tool.RESIDENTIAL.icon = /icres.png
tool.RESIDENTIAL.selected_icon = /icreshi.png
tool.RESIDENTIAL.tip = Zone Residentielle
tool.COMMERCIAL.icon = /iccom.png
tool.COMMERCIAL.selected_icon = /iccomhi.png
tool.COMMERCIAL.tip = Zone Commerciale
tool.INDUSTRIAL.icon = /icind.png
tool.INDUSTRIAL.selected_icon = /icindhi.png
tool.INDUSTRIAL.tip = Zone Industrielle
tool.FIRE.name = CASERNE
tool.FIRE.icon = /icfire.png
tool.FIRE.selected_icon = /icfirehi.png
tool.FIRE.tip = Construire une caserne de pompiers
tool.POLICE.name = POSTE
tool.POLICE.icon = /icpol.png
tool.POLICE.selected_icon = /icpolhi.png
tool.POLICE.tip = Construire un poste de police
tool.POWERPLANT.icon = /iccoal.png
tool.POWERPLANT.selected_icon = /iccoalhi.png
tool.POWERPLANT.tip = Construire une centrale électrique au charbon
tool.NUCLEAR.icon = /icnuc.png
tool.NUCLEAR.selected_icon = /icnuchi.png
tool.NUCLEAR.tip = Construire une centrale nucléaire
tool.STADIUM.name = STADE
tool.STADIUM.icon = /icstad.png
tool.STADIUM.selected_icon = /icstadhi.png
tool.STADIUM.tip = Construire un stade
tool.SEAPORT.icon = /icseap.png
tool.SEAPORT.selected_icon = /icseaphi.png
tool.SEAPORT.tip = Construire un port maritime
tool.AIRPORT.icon = /icairp.png
tool.AIRPORT.selected_icon = /icairphi.png
tool.AIRPORT.tip = Construire aéroport
tool.QUERY.icon = /icqry.png
tool.QUERY.selected_icon = /icqryhi.png
tool.QUERY.tip = Afficher les informations sur la zone
tool.BULLDOZER.border = #bf7900
tool.WIRE.border = #ffff00
tool.ROADS.border = #5d5d5d
tool.RAIL.border = #5d5d5d
tool.RESIDENTIAL.border = #00ff00
tool.COMMERCIAL.border = #0000ff
tool.INDUSTRIAL.border = #ffff00
tool.FIRE.border = #ff0000
tool.POLICE.border = #0000ff
tool.STADIUM.border = #00ff00
tool.PARK.border = #bf7900
tool.SEAPORT.border = #0000ff
tool.POWERPLANT.border = #ffff00
tool.NUCLEAR.border = #ffff00
tool.AIRPORT.border = #bf7900
tool.BULLDOZER.bgcolor = rgba(0,0,0,0)
tool.WIRE.bgcolor = rgba(0,0,0,0.375)
tool.ROADS.bgcolor = rgba(255,255,255,0.375)
tool.RAIL.bgcolor = rgba(127,127,0,0.375)
tool.RESIDENTIAL.bgcolor = rgba(0,255,0,0.375)
tool.COMMERCIAL.bgcolor = rgba(0,0,255,0.375)
tool.INDUSTRIAL.bgcolor = rgba(255,255,0,0.375)
tool.FIRE.bgcolor = rgba(0,255,0,0.375)
tool.POLICE.bgcolor = rgba(0,255,0,0.375)
tool.POWERPLANT.bgcolor = rgba(93,93,93,0.375)
tool.NUCLEAR.bgcolor = rgba(93,93,93,0.375)
tool.STADIUM.bgcolor = rgba(93,93,93,0.375)
tool.SEAPORT.bgcolor = rgba(93,93,93,0.375)
tool.AIRPORT.bgcolor = rgba(93,93,93,0.375)
tool.PARK.bgcolor = rgba(0,255,0,0.375)
! The Graphs pane (accessible through Window -> Graphs)
dismiss_graph = Fermer
ten_years = 10 ANS
onetwenty_years = 120 ANS
graph_button.RESPOP = grres.png
graph_button.COMPOP = grcom.png
graph_button.INDPOP = grind.png
graph_button.MONEY = grmony.png
graph_button.CRIME = grcrim.png
graph_button.POLLUTION = grpoll.png
graph_button.RESPOP.selected = grreshi.png
graph_button.COMPOP.selected = grcomhi.png
graph_button.INDPOP.selected = grindhi.png
graph_button.MONEY.selected = grmonyhi.png
graph_button.CRIME.selected = grcrimhi.png
graph_button.POLLUTION.selected = grpollhi.png
graph_color.RESPOP = #00e600
graph_color.COMPOP = #0000e6
graph_color.INDPOP = #ffff00
graph_color.MONEY = #007f00
graph_color.CRIME = #7f0000
graph_color.POLLUTION = #997f4c
graph_label.RESPOP = Residences
graph_label.COMPOP = Commerces
graph_label.INDPOP = Industrie
graph_label.MONEY = Revenus
graph_label.CRIME = Criminalité
graph_label.POLLUTION = Pollution
! The Evaluation Pane (accessible through Windows -> Evaluation)
dismiss-evaluation = Fermer
public-opinion = Opinion publique
public-opinion-1 = Le maire fait-il un bon travail?
public-opinion-2 = Quels sont les pires problèmes?
public-opinion-yes = OUI
public-opinion-no = NON
statistics-head = Statistiques
city-score-head = Score global de la ville (0 - 1000)
stats-population = Population:
stats-net-migration = Migration nette:
stats-last-year = (année dernière)
stats-assessed-value = Évaluation:
stats-category = Catégorie:
stats-game-level = Difficulté:
city-score-current = Score actuel:
city-score-change = Variation annuelle:
! The mini-map, overlay legends
legend_image.POPDEN_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.GROWTHRATE_OVERLAY = /legendpm.png
legend_image.LANDVALUE_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.CRIME_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.POLLUTE_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.TRAFFIC_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.FIRE_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
legend_image.POLICE_OVERLAY = /legendmm.png
! Budget Dialog box, accessable through Windows -> Budget
budgetdlg.title = Budget
budgetdlg.funding_level_hdr = Niveau de financement
budgetdlg.requested_hdr = demandé
budgetdlg.allocation_hdr = Payé
budgetdlg.road_fund = Transport
budgetdlg.police_fund = Police
budgetdlg.fire_fund = Lutte incendie
budgetdlg.continue = Continuer avec ce budget
budgetdlg.reset = Revenir à l'ancien budget
budgetdlg.tax_rate_hdr = Impôts
budgetdlg.annual_receipts_hdr = Revenus annuels
budgetdlg.tax_revenue = Revenus des impôts
budgetdlg.period_ending = Fin d'exercice
budgetdlg.cash_begin = Argent, début de l'année
budgetdlg.taxes_collected = Impôts perçus
budgetdlg.capital_expenses = Immobilisations
budgetdlg.operating_expenses = Charges d'exploitation
budgetdlg.cash_end = Argent, à la fin de l'année
budgetdlg.auto_budget = Budget automatique
budgetdlg.pause_game = Jeu en pause
! Notification pane
notification.dismiss = Fermer
notification.query_hdr = Informations sur la zone
notification.zone_lbl = Zone:
notification.density_lbl = Densité:
notification.value_lbl = Valeur:
notification.crime_lbl = Criminalité:
notification.pollution_lbl = Pollution:
notification.growth_lbl = Croissance: