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Converting SVG to PDC How to create compatible SVG files using Inkscape and Illustrator. app-resources 2
Draw Commands

[Pebble Draw Commands](Draw Commands) (PDC) are a powerful method of creating vector images and icons that can be transformed and manipulated at runtime. These can be used as a low-cost alternative to APNGs or bitmap sequences. Currently the only simple way to create PDC files is to use the tool. However, as noted in Vector Animations there are a some limitations to the nature of the input SVG file:

The svg2pdc tool currently supports SVG files that use only the following elements: g, layer, path, rect, polyline, polygon, line, circle.

Fortunately, steps can be taken when creating SVG files in popular graphics packages to avoid these limitations and ensure the output file is compatible with In this guide, we will be creating compatible PDC files using an example SVG - this pencil icon.

![pencil icon](/images/guides/pebble-apps/resources/pencil.svg =100x)

Using Inkscape


  • Resize the viewport with File, Document Properties, Page, Resize Page to Drawing:

![inkscape-resize-page](/images/guides/pebble-apps/resources/inkscape-resize-page.png =350x)

  • Select the layer, then resize the image to fit Pebble (50 x 50 pixels in this example) with Object, Transform:


  • Now that the image has been resized, shrink the viewport again with File, Document Properties, Page, Resize Page to Drawing:

  • Remove groupings with Edit, Select All, then Object, Ungroup until no groups remain:


  • Disable relative move in Object, Transform. Hit Apply:


  • Finally, save the image as a 'Plain SVG':


Using Illustrator

  • First, open the SVG in Illustrator:


  • Resize the image to fit Pebble (50 x 50 pixels in this example) by entering in the desired values in the 'W' and 'H' fields of the Transform panel:


  • Ungroup all items with Select, All, followed by Object, Ungroup until no groups remain:


  • Shrink the image bounds with Object, Artboards, Fit to Selected Art:


  • Save the SVG using File, Save As with the SVG Tiny 1.1 profile and 1 decimal places:

![illustrator-settings](/images/guides/pebble-apps/resources/illustrator-settings.png =350x)

Using the PDC Files

Once the compatible SVG files have been created, it's time to use to convert into PDC resources, which will contain all the vector information needed to draw the image in the correct Pebble binary format. The command is shown below, with the Inkscape output SVG used as an example:

$ python pencil-inkscape.svg  # Use python 2.x!

If a coordinate value's precision value isn't supported, a warning will be printed and the nearest compatible value will be used instead:

Invalid point: (9.4, 44.5). Closest supported coordinate: (9.5, 44.5)

To use the PDC file in a Pebble project, read Drawing a PDC Image. The result should look near-identical on Pebble:

svg-output >{pebble-screenshot,pebble-screenshot--time-red}

Example Output

For reference, compatible output files are listed below: