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Public Web API How to push Pebble timeline data to an app's users using the public web API. pebble-timeline 3
title url
Hello Timeline
title url
Timeline TV Tracker
title url
Timeline Push Pin

While users can register subscriptions and receive data from the timeline using the PebbleKit JS subscriptions API (detailed in {% guide_link pebble-timeline/timeline-js %}), app developers can use the public timeline web API to provide that data by pushing pins. Developers will need to create a simple web server to enable them to process and send the data they want to display in the timeline. Each pin represents a specific event in the past or the future, and will be shown on the watch once pushed to the public timeline web API and automatically synchronized with the watch via the Pebble mobile applications.

The Pebble SDK emulator supports the timeline and automatically synchronizes every 30 seconds.

Pushing Pins

Developers can push data to the timeline using their own backend servers. Pins are created and updated using HTTPS requests to the Pebble timeline web API.

Pins pushed to the Pebble timeline web API may take up to 15 minutes to appear on a user's watch. Although most pins can arrive faster than this, we recommend developers do not design apps that rely on near-realtime updating of pins.

Create a Pin

To create a pin, send a PUT request to the following URL scheme, where ID is the id of the pin object. For example 'reservation-1395203':


Use the following headers, where X-User-Token is the user's timeline token (read {% guide_link pebble-timeline/timeline-js#get-a-timeline-token "Get a Timeline Token" %} to learn how to get a token):

Content-Type: application/json
X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56

Include the JSON object as the request body from a file such as pin.json. A sample of an object is shown below:

  "id": "reservation-1395203",
  "time": "2014-03-07T08:01:10.229Z",
  "layout": {
    "shortTitle": "Dinner at La Fondue",

Curl Example

$ curl -X PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56" \
    -d @pin.json

Update a Pin

To update a pin, send a PUT request with a new JSON object with the same id.


Remember to include the user token in the headers.

X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56

When an update to an existing pin is issued, it replaces the original pin entirely, so all fields (including those that have not changed) should be included. The example below shows an event updated with a new time:

    "id": "reservation-1395203",
    "time": "2014-03-07T09:01:10.229Z",
    "layout": {
      "shortTitle": "Dinner at La Fondue",

Curl Example

$ curl -X PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56" \
    -d @pin.json

Delete a Pin

Delete a pin by issuing a HTTP DELETE request.


Remember to include the user token in the headers.

X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56

This pin will then be removed from that timeline on the user's watch. In some cases it may be preferred to simply update a pin with a cancelled event's details so that it can remain visible and useful to the user.

Curl Example

$ curl -X DELETE \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56"

Shared Pins

Create a Shared Pin

It is possible to send a pin (and updates) to multiple users at once by modifying the PUT header to include X-Pin-Topics (the topics a user must be subscribed to in order to receive this pin) and X-API-Key (issued by the Developer Portal). In this case, the URL is also modified:

PUT /v1/shared/pins/giants-game-1

The new headers:

Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Key: fbbd2e4c5a8e1dbef2b00b97bf83bdc9
X-Pin-Topics: giants,redsox,baseball

The pin body remains the same:

    "id": "giants-game-1",
    "time": "2014-03-07T10:01:10.229Z",
    "layout": {
      "title": "Giants vs Red Sox: 5-3",

Curl Example

$ curl -X PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "X-API-Key: fbbd2e4c5a8e1dbef2b00b97bf83bdc9" \
    --header "X-Pin-Topics: giants,redsox,baseball" \
    -d @pin.json

Delete a Shared Pin

Similar to deleting a user pin, shared pins can be deleted by issuing a DELETE request:

DELETE /v1/shared/pins/giants-game-1

As with creating a shared pin, the API key must also be provided in the request headers:

X-API-Key: fbbd2e4c5a8e1dbef2b00b97bf83bdc9

Curl Example

$ curl -X DELETE \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "X-API-Key: fbbd2e4c5a8e1dbef2b00b97bf83bdc9" \

Listing Topic Subscriptions

Developers can also query the public web API for a given user's currently subscribed pin topics with a GET request:

GET /v1/user/subscriptions

This requires the user's timeline token:

X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56

Curl Example

$ curl -X GET \
    --header "X-User-Token: a70b23d3820e9ee640aeb590fdf03a56" \

The response will be a JSON object containing an array of topics the user is currently subscribed to for that app:

  "topics": [

Pin Time Limitations

The time property on a pin pushed to the public API must not be more than two days in the past, or a year in the future. The same condition applies to the time associated with a pin's reminders and notifications.

Any pins that fall outside these conditions may be rejected by the web API. In addition, the actual range of events shown on the watch may be different under some conditions.

For shared pins, the date and time of an event will vary depending on the user's timezone.

Error Handling

In the event of an error pushing a pin, the public timeline API will return one of the following responses.

HTTP Status Response Body Description
200 None Success.
400 { "errorCode": "INVALID_JSON" } The pin object submitted was invalid.
403 { "errorCode": "INVALID_API_KEY" } The API key submitted was invalid.
410 { "errorCode": "INVALID_USER_TOKEN" } The user token has been invalidated, or does not exist. All further updates with this user token will fail. You should not send further updates for this user token. A user token can become invalidated when a user uninstalls an app for example.
429 { "errorCode": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" } Server is sending updates too quickly, and has been rate limited (see Rate Limiting below).
503 { "errorCode": "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" } Could not save pin due to a temporary server error.

Rate Limiting

For requests using API Keys, developers can make up to 5000 requests per minute. For requests using User Tokens, up to 300 requests every 15 minutes can be made. Check the returned HTTP headers of any API request to see the current rate limit status:

$ curl -i

HTTP/1.1 429 OK
date: Wed, 13 May 2015 21:36:58 GMT
x-ratelimit-percent: 100
retry-after: 43

The headers contain information about the current rate limit status:

Header Name Description
x-ratelimit-percent The percentage of the rate limit currently utilized.
retry-after When x-ratelimit-percent has reached 100, this header will be set to the number of seconds after which the rate limit will reset.

When the rate limit is exceeded, the response body also reports the error:

{ "errorCode":"RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" }