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History of PULSEv2
This document describes the history of the Pebble dbgserial console leading up to the design of PULSEv2.
In The Beginning
In the early days of Pebble, the dbgserial port was used to print out log messages in order to assist in debugging the firmware. These logs were plain text and could be viewed with a terminal emulator such as minicom. An interactive prompt was added so that firmware developers and the manufacturing line could interact with the running firmware. The prompt mode could be accessed by pressing CTRL-C at the terminal, and could be exited by pressing CTRL-D. Switching the console to prompt mode suppressed the printing of log messages. Data could be written into the external flash memory over the console port by running a prompt command to switch the console to a special "flash imaging" mode and sending it base64-encoded data.
This setup worked well enough, though it was slow and a little cumbersome to use at times. Some hacks were tacked on as time went on, like a "hybrid" prompt mode which allowed commands to be executed without suppressing log messages. These hacks didn't work terribly well. But it didn't really matter as the prompt was only used internally and it was good enough to let people get stuff done.
First Signs of Trouble
The problems with the serial console started becoming apparent when we started building out automated integration testing. The test automation infrastructure made extensive use of the serial console to issue commands to simulate actions such as button clicks, inspect the firmware state, install applications, and capture screenshots and log messages. From the very beginning the serial console proved to be very unreliable for test automation's uses, dropping commands, corrupting screenshots and other data, and hiding log messages. The test automation harness which interacted with the dbgserial port became full of hacks and workarounds, but was still very unreliable. While we wanted to have functional and reliable automated testing, we didn't have the manpower at the time to improve the serial console for test automation's use cases. And so test automation remained frustratingly unreliable for a long time.
During the development of Pebble Time, the factory was complaining that imaging the recovery firmware onto external flash over the dbgserial port was taking too long and was causing a manufacturing bottleneck. The old flash imaging mode had many issues and was in need of a replacement anyway, and improving the throughput to reduce manufacturing costs finally motivated us to allocate engineering time to replace it.
The biggest reason the flash imaging protocol was so slow was that it was extremely latency sensitive. After every 768 data bytes sent, the sender was required to wait for the receiver to acknowledge the data before continuing. USB-to-serial adapter ICs are used at both the factory and by developers to interface the watches' dbgserial ports to modern computers, and these adapters can add up to 16 ms latency to communications in each direction. The vast majority of the flash imaging time was wasted with the dbgserial port idle, waiting for the sender to receive and respond to an acknowledgement.
There were other problems too, such as a lack of checksums. If line noise (which wasn't uncommon at the factory) corrupted a byte into another valid base64 character, the corruption would go unnoticed and be written out to flash. It would only be after the writing was complete that the integrity was verified, and the entire transfer would have to be restarted from the beginning.
Instead of designing a new flash imaging protocol directly on top of the raw dbgserial console, as the old flash imaging protocol did, a link-layer protocol was designed which the new flash imaging protocol would operate on top of. This new protocol, PULSE version 1, provided best-effort multiprotocol datagram delivery with integrity assurance to any applications built on top of it. That is, PULSE allowed applications to send and receive packets over dbgserial, without interfering with other applications simultaneously using the link, with the guarantee that the packets either will arrive at the receiver intact or not be delivered at all. It was designed around the use-case of flash imaging, with the hope that other protocols could be implemented over PULSE later on. The hope was that this was the first step to making test automation reliable.
Flash imaging turns out to be rather unique, with affordances that make it easy to implement a performant protocol without protocol features that many other applications would require. Writing to flash memory is an idempotent operation: writing the same bytes to the same flash address n times has the same effect as writing it just once. And writes to different addresses can be performed in any order. Because of these features of flash, each write operation can be treated as a wholly independent operation, and the data written to flash will be complete as long as every write is performed at least once. The communications channel for flash writes does not need to be reliable, only error-free. The protocol is simple: send a write command packet with the target address and data. The receiver performs the write and sends an acknowledgement with the address. If the sender doesn't receive an acknowledgement within some timeout, it re-sends the write command. Any number of write commands and acknowledgements can be in-flight simulatneously. If a write completes but the acknowledgement is lost in transit, the sender can re-send the same write command and the receiver can naively overwrite the data without issue due to the idempotence of flash writes.
The new PULSE flash imaging protocol was a great success, reducing imaging time from over sixty seconds down to ten, with the bottleneck being the speed at which the flash memory could be erased or written. After the success of PULSE flash imaging, attempts were made to implement other protocols on top of it, with varying degrees of success. A protocol for streaming log messages over PULSE was implemented, as well as a protocol for reading data from external flash. There were attempts to implement prompt commands and even an RPC system using dynamically-loaded binary modules over PULSE, but they required reliable and in-order delivery, and implementing a reliable transmission scheme separately for each application protocol proved to be very time-consuming and bug-prone.
Other flaws in PULSE became apparent as it came into wider use. The checksum used to protect the integrity of PULSE frames was discovered to have a serious flaw, where up to three trailing 0x00 bytes could be appended to or dropped from a packet without changing the checksum value. This flaw, combined with the lack of explicit length fields in the protocol headers, made it much more likely for PULSE flash imaging to write corrupted data. This was discovered shortly after test automation switched over to PULSE flash imaging.
Make TA Green Again
Around January 2016, it was decided that the issues with PULSE that were preventing test automation from fully dropping use of the legacy serial console would best be resolved by taking the lessons learned from PULSE and designing a successor. This new protocol suite, appropriately enough, is called PULSEv2. It is designed with test automation in mind, with the intention of completely replacing the legacy serial console for test automation, developers and the factory. It is much better at communicating and synchronizing link state, which solves problems that test automation was running into with the firmware crashing and rebooting getting the test harness confused. It uses a standard checksum without the flaws of its predecessor, and packet lengths are explicit. And it is future-proofed by having an option-negotiation mechanism, allowing us to add new features to the protocol while allowing old and new implementations to interoperate.
Applications can choose to communicate with either best-effort datagram service (like PULSEv1), or reliable datagram service that guarantees in-order datagram delivery. Having the reliable transport available made it very easy to implement prompt commands over PULSEv2. And it was also suprisingly easy to implement a PULSEv2 transport for the Pebble Protocol, which allows developers and test automation to interact with bigboards using libpebble2 and pebble-tool, exactly like they can with emulators and sealed watches connected to phones.
Test automation switched over to PULSEv2 on 2016 May 31. It immediately cut down test run times and, once some bugs got shaken out, measurably improved the reliability of test automation. It also made the captured logs from test runs much more useful as messages were no longer getting dropped. PULSEv2 was made the default for all firmware developers at the end of September 2016.