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Creating Pins How to create timeline pins with reminders, actions, and layouts. pebble-timeline 0

A timeline pin contains all the information required to be displayed on the watch, and is written in the JSON object format. It can contain basic information such as title and times, or more advanced data such as notifications, reminders, or actions that can be used out from the pin view.

Pin Overview

The table below details the pin object fields and their function within the object. Those marked in bold are required.

Field Type Function
id String (max. 64 chars) Developer-implemented identifier for this pin event, which cannot be re-used. This means that any pin that was previously deleted cannot then be re-created with the same id.
time String (ISO date-time) The start time of the event the pin represents, such as the beginning of a meeting. See {% guide_link pebble-timeline/timeline-public#pin-time-limitations "Pin Time Limitations" %} for information on the acceptable time range.
duration Integer number The duration of the event the pin represents, in minutes.
createNotification Notification object The notification shown when the event is first created.
updateNotification Notification object The notification shown when the event is updated but already exists.
layout Layout object Description of the values to populate the layout when the user views the pin.
reminders Reminder object array (Max. 3) Collection of event reminders to display before an event starts.
actions Action object array Collection of event actions that can be executed by the user.

Notification Object

The notification objects used for createNotification and updateNotification contain only one common field: a Layout object describing the visual properties of the notification.

The other field (time) is used only in an updateNotification object. The createNotification type does not require a time attribute.

Field Type Function
layout Layout object The layout that will be used to display this notification.
time String (ISO date-time) The new time of the pin update.

The createNotification is shown when the pin is first delivered to the watch.

The updateNotification is shown when the pin already existed and is being updated on the watch. It will only be shown if the updateNotification.time is newer than the last updateNotification.time received by the watch.

Using these fields, developers can build a great experience for their users when live updating pins. For example, when sending updates about a sports game the app could use the createNotification to tell the user that "The game has just been added to your timeline" and the updateNotification to tell them that "The game starting time has just been updated in your timeline.".

Layout Object

The Layout object is used to describe any message shown in a customizable layout. This includes a pin in the timeline, a notification, and also reminders. Developers can choose between different layout types and customize them with attributes.

Required fields are shown in bold. Some layout types have additional required fields not shown below, but listed in their dedicated sections. Values for icon URIs can be found below under Pin Icons, although not all icons are available at all sizes.

Field Type Function
type String The type of layout the pin will use. See Pin Layouts for a list of available types.
title String The title of the pin when viewed.
subtitle String Shorter subtitle for details.
body String The body text of the pin. Maximum of 512 characters.
tinyIcon String URI of the pin's tiny icon.
smallIcon String URI of the pin's small icon.
largeIcon String URI of the pin's large icon.

The following attributes are also available for all pin layout types (excluding notifications and reminders).

Field Type Function
primaryColor String Six-digit color hexadecimal string or case-insensitive SDK constant (e.g.: "665566" or "mintgreen"), describing the primary text color.
secondaryColor String Similar to primaryColor, except applies to the layout's secondary-colored elements.
backgroundColor String Similar to primaryColor, except applies to the layout's background color.
headings Array of Strings List of section headings in this layout. The list must be less than 128 characters in length, including the underlying delimiters (one byte) between each item. Longer items will be truncated with an ellipsis ('...').
paragraphs Array of Strings List of paragraphs in this layout. Must equal the number of headings. The list must be less than 1024 characters in length, including the underlying delimiters (one byte) between each item. Longer items will be truncated with an ellipsis ('...').
lastUpdated ISO date-time Timestamp of when the pins data (e.g: weather forecast or sports score) was last updated.

Reminder Object

Reminders are synchronized to the watch and will be shown at the precise time set in the reminder. They work even when Pebble is disconnected from the user's mobile phone.

Field Type Function
time String (ISO date-time) The time the reminder is scheduled to be shown.
layout Layout object The layout of the reminder.

Action Object

Field Type Function
title String The name of the action that appears on the watch.
type String The type of action this will execute. See Pin Actions for a list of available actions.

Minimal Pin Example

The example pin object shown below includes only the required fields for a generic pin.

  "id": "example-pin-generic-1",
  "time": "2015-03-19T18:00:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "genericPin",
    "title": "News at 6 o'clock",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG"

Complete Pin Example

Below is a more advanced example pin object:

  "id": "meeting-453923",
  "time": "2015-03-19T15:00:00Z",
  "duration": 60,
  "createNotification": {
    "layout": {
      "type": "genericNotification",
      "title": "New Item",
      "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG",
      "body": "A new appointment has been added to your calendar at 4pm."
  "updateNotification": {
    "time": "2015-03-19T16:00:00Z",
    "layout": {
      "type": "genericNotification",
      "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG",
      "title": "Reminder",
      "body": "The meeting has been rescheduled to 4pm."
  "layout": {
    "title": "Client Meeting",
    "type": "genericPin",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR",
    "body": "Meeting in Kepler at 4:00pm. Topic: discuss pizza toppings for party."
  "reminders": [
      "time": "2015-03-19T14:45:00Z",
      "layout": {
        "type": "genericReminder",
        "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR",
        "title": "Meeting in 15 minutes"
      "time": "2015-03-19T14:55:00Z",
      "layout": {
        "type": "genericReminder",
        "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR",
        "title": "Meeting in 5 minutes"
  "actions": [
      "title": "View Schedule",
      "type": "openWatchApp",
      "launchCode": 15
      "title": "Show Directions",
      "type": "openWatchApp",
      "launchCode": 22

View Modes

When viewing pins in the timeline, they can be displayed in two different ways.

State Preview Details
Selected Three lines of text shown from the title, location and sender.
Not selected Time, short title, and icon are shown.

Pin Icons

The tables below detail the available icons provided by the system. Each icon can be used when pushing a pin in the following manner:

"layout": {
  "type": "genericNotification",
  "title": "Example Pin",
  "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG"

For general use in watchapps, PDC files are available for these icons in {% guide_link app-resources/app-assets#pebble-timeline-pin-icons %}.


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/NOTIFICATION_GENERIC.svg =25) NOTIFICATION_GENERIC Generic notification
![](/images/guides/timeline/NOTIFICATION_REMINDER.svg =25) NOTIFICATION_REMINDER Reminder notification
![](/images/guides/timeline/NOTIFICATION_FLAG.svg =25) NOTIFICATION_FLAG Generic notification flag
![](/images/guides/timeline/NOTIFICATION_LIGHTHOUSE.svg =25) NOTIFICATION_LIGHTHOUSE Generic lighthouse


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/GENERIC_EMAIL.svg =25) GENERIC_EMAIL Generic email
![](/images/guides/timeline/GENERIC_SMS.svg =25) GENERIC_SMS Generic SMS icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/GENERIC_WARNING.svg =25) GENERIC_WARNING Generic warning icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/GENERIC_CONFIRMATION.svg =25) GENERIC_CONFIRMATION Generic confirmation icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/GENERIC_QUESTION.svg =25) GENERIC_QUESTION Generic question icon


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/PARTLY_CLOUDY.svg =25) PARTLY_CLOUDY Partly cloudy weather
![](/images/guides/timeline/CLOUDY_DAY.svg =25) CLOUDY_DAY Cloudy weather
![](/images/guides/timeline/LIGHT_SNOW.svg =25) LIGHT_SNOW Light snow weather
![](/images/guides/timeline/LIGHT_RAIN.svg =25) LIGHT_RAIN Light rain weather
![](/images/guides/timeline/HEAVY_RAIN.svg =25) HEAVY_RAIN Heavy rain weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/HEAVY_SNOW.svg =25) HEAVY_SNOW Heavy snow weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_WEATHER.svg =25) TIMELINE_WEATHER Generic weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_SUN.svg =25) TIMELINE_SUN Sunny weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/RAINING_AND_SNOWING.svg =25) RAINING_AND_SNOWING Raining and snowing weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/SUNRISE.svg =25) SUNRISE Sunrise weather icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/SUNSET.svg =25) SUNSET Sunset weather icon


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_MISSED_CALL.svg =25) TIMELINE_MISSED_CALL Generic missed call icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_CALENDAR.svg =25) TIMELINE_CALENDAR Generic calendar event icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_SPORTS.svg =25) TIMELINE_SPORTS Generic sports icon


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIMELINE_BASEBALL.svg =25) TIMELINE_BASEBALL Baseball sports icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/AMERICAN_FOOTBALL.svg =25) AMERICAN_FOOTBALL American football sports icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/BASKETBALL.svg =25) BASKETBALL Basketball sports icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/CRICKET_GAME.svg =25) CRICKET_GAME Cricket sports icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/SOCCER_GAME.svg =25) SOCCER_GAME Soccer sports icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/HOCKEY_GAME.svg =25) HOCKEY_GAME Hockey sports icon

Action Results

Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/RESULT_DISMISSED.svg =25) RESULT_DISMISSED Dismissed event
![](/images/guides/timeline/RESULT_DELETED.svg =25) RESULT_DELETED Deleted event
![](/images/guides/timeline/RESULT_MUTE.svg =25) RESULT_MUTE Mute event
![](/images/guides/timeline/RESULT_SENT.svg =25) RESULT_SENT Generic message sent event
![](/images/guides/timeline/RESULT_FAILED.svg =25) RESULT_FAILED Generic failure event


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/STOCKS_EVENT.svg =25) STOCKS_EVENT Stocks icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/MUSIC_EVENT.svg =25) MUSIC_EVENT Music event
![](/images/guides/timeline/BIRTHDAY_EVENT.svg =25) BIRTHDAY_EVENT Birthday event
![](/images/guides/timeline/NEWS_EVENT.svg =25) NEWS_EVENT Generic news story event
![](/images/guides/timeline/SCHEDULED_EVENT.svg =25) SCHEDULED_EVENT Generic scheduled event
![](/images/guides/timeline/MOVIE_EVENT.svg =25) MOVIE_EVENT Generic movie icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/NO_EVENTS.svg =25) NO_EVENTS No events icon


Preview Name Description
![](/images/guides/timeline/PAY_BILL.svg =25) PAY_BILL Pay bill event
![](/images/guides/timeline/HOTEL_RESERVATION.svg =25) HOTEL_RESERVATION Hotel event
![](/images/guides/timeline/TIDE_IS_HIGH.svg =25) TIDE_IS_HIGH High tide event
![](/images/guides/timeline/INCOMING_PHONE_CALL.svg =25) INCOMING_PHONE_CALL Incoming phone call event
![](/images/guides/timeline/DURING_PHONE_CALL.svg =25) DURING_PHONE_CALL Phone call event
![](/images/guides/timeline/DURING_PHONE_CALL_CENTERED.svg =25) DURING_PHONE_CALL_CENTERED Phone call event centered
![](/images/guides/timeline/DISMISSED_PHONE_CALL.svg =25) DISMISSED_PHONE_CALL Phone call dismissed event
![](/images/guides/timeline/CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION.svg =25) CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION Check Internet connection event
![](/images/guides/timeline/GLUCOSE_MONITOR.svg =25) GLUCOSE_MONITOR Sensor monitor event
![](/images/guides/timeline/ALARM_CLOCK.svg =25) ALARM_CLOCK Alarm clock event
![](/images/guides/timeline/CAR_RENTAL.svg =25) CAR_RENTAL Generic car rental event
![](/images/guides/timeline/DINNER_RESERVATION.svg =25) DINNER_RESERVATION Dinner reservation event
![](/images/guides/timeline/RADIO_SHOW.svg =25) RADIO_SHOW Radio show event
![](/images/guides/timeline/AUDIO_CASSETTE.svg =25) AUDIO_CASSETTE Audio cassette icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/SCHEDULED_FLIGHT.svg =25) SCHEDULED_FLIGHT Scheduled flight event
![](/images/guides/timeline/REACHED_FITNESS_GOAL.svg =25) REACHED_FITNESS_GOAL Reached fitness goal event
![](/images/guides/timeline/DAY_SEPARATOR.svg =25) DAY_SEPARATOR Day separator icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/WATCH_DISCONNECTED.svg =25) WATCH_DISCONNECTED Watch disconnected event
![](/images/guides/timeline/TV_SHOW.svg =25) TV_SHOW Generic TV show icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/LOCATION.svg =25) LOCATION Generic location icon
![](/images/guides/timeline/SETTINGS.svg =25) SETTINGS Generic settings icon

Custom Icons

Custom icons were introduced in SDK 4.0. They allow you to use custom images for timeline pins, by utilizing the {% guide_link tools-and-resources/app-metadata#published-media "Published Media" %} name. E.g. app://images/*name*

Pin Layouts

Developers can customize how pins, reminders and notifications are shown to the user using different layouts. The Pebble SDK includes layouts appropriate for a broad set of apps. Each layout has different customization options, called the layout attributes. Most layouts also offer the option of showing an icon, which must be one of the standard system provided icons, listed under Pin Icons above.

The sub-sections below detail the available layouts and the fields they will display. Required attributes are shown in bold.

Generic Layout

Generic layout for generic pins of no particular type.

Timeline view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/generic-pin.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Detail view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/generic-layout.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title, tinyIcon, subtitle, body.

Color Elements

Layout Property Applies To
primaryColor Time, body
secondaryColor Title
backgroundColor Background

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-generic-1",
  "time": "2015-09-22T16:30:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "genericPin",
    "title": "This is a genericPin!",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG",
    "primaryColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "secondaryColor": "#666666",
    "backgroundColor": "#5556FF"

Calendar Layout

Standard layout for pins displaying calendar events.

Timeline view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/calendar-pin.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Detail view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/calendar-layout.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title, body.

Special Attributes

Field Type Function
locationName String Name of the location of this pin event. Used if shortSubtitle is not present on the list view, and always in the detail view.

Color Elements

Layout Property Applies To
primaryColor Times, body
secondaryColor Title
backgroundColor Background

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-calendar-1",
  "time": "2015-03-18T15:45:00Z",
  "duration": 60,
  "layout": {
    "type": "calendarPin",
    "title": "Pin Layout Meeting",
    "locationName": "Conf Room 1",
    "body": "Discuss layout types with Design Team."

Sports Layout

Generic layout for displaying sports game pins including team ranks, scores and records.

Timeline view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/sport-pin.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Detail view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/sport-layout.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title (name of the game), subtitle (friendly name of the period), body (game description), tinyIcon, largeIcon, lastUpdated.

Special Attributes

Note: The rankAway and rankHome fields will be shown before the event begins, otherwise scoreAway and scoreHome will be shown.

Field Type Function
rankAway String (~2 characters) The rank of the away team.
rankHome String (~2 characters) The rank of the home team.
nameAway String (Max 4 characters) Short name of the away team.
nameHome String (Max 4 characters) Short name of the home team.
recordAway String (~5 characters) Record of the away team (wins-losses).
recordHome String (~5 characters) Record of the home team (wins-losses).
scoreAway String (~2 characters) Score of the away team.
scoreHome String (~2 characters) Score of the home team.
sportsGameState String in-game for in game or post game, pre-game for pre game.

Color Elements

Layout Property Applies To
primaryColor Text body
secondaryColor Team names and scores
backgroundColor Background

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-sports-1",
  "time": "2015-03-18T19:00:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "sportsPin",
    "title": "Bulls at Bears",
    "subtitle": "Halftime",
    "body": "Game of the Century",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/AMERICAN_FOOTBALL",
    "largeIcon": "system://images/AMERICAN_FOOTBALL",
    "lastUpdated": "2015-03-18T18:45:00Z",
    "rankAway": "03",
    "rankHome": "08",
    "nameAway": "POR",
    "nameHome": "LAC",
    "recordAway": "39-19",
    "recordHome": "39-21",
    "scoreAway": "54",
    "scoreHome": "49",
    "sportsGameState": "in-game"

Weather Layout

Standard layout for pins displaying the weather.

Timeline view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/weather-pin.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Detail view

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/weather-layout.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title (part of the day), tinyIcon, largeIcon, body (shortcast), lastUpdated.

Special Attributes

Field Type Function
shortTitle String Used instead of title in the main timeline view unless it is not specified.
subtitle String Show high/low temperatures. Note: currently only numbers and the degree symbol (°) are supported.
shortSubtitle String Used instead of subtitle in the main timeline view unless it is not specified.
locationName String Name of the location of this pin event.
displayTime String Use a value of 'pin' to display the pin's time in title of the detail view and description, or 'none' to not show the time. Defaults to 'pin' if not specified.

Color Elements

Layout Property Applies To
primaryColor All text
backgroundColor Background

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-weather-1",
  "time": "2015-03-18T19:00:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "weatherPin",
    "title": "Nice day",
    "subtitle": "40/65",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_SUN",
    "largeIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_SUN",
    "locationName": "Palo Alto",
    "body": "Sunny with a chance of rain.",
    "lastUpdated": "2015-03-18T18:00:00Z"

Generic Reminder

Generic layout for pin reminders, which can be set at various times before an event is due to occur to remind the user ahead of time.

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/generic-reminder.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title, tinyIcon.

Special Attributes

Field Type Function
locationName String Name of the location of this pin event.

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-generic-reminder-1",
  "time": "2015-03-18T23:00:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "genericPin",
    "title": "This is a genericPin!",
    "subtitle": "With a reminder!.",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG"
  "reminders": [
      "time": "2015-03-18T22:55:00Z",
      "layout": {
        "type": "genericReminder",
        "title": "Reminder!",
        "locationName": "Conf Rm 1",
        "tinyIcon": "system://images/ALARM_CLOCK"

Generic Notification

Generic notification layout which can be used with createNotification and updateNotification to alert the user to a new pin being created on their timeline.

{% screenshot_viewer %} { "image": "/images/guides/timeline/generic-notification-layout.png", "platforms": [ {"hw": "aplite", "wrapper": "steel-black"}, {"hw": "basalt", "wrapper": "time-red"}, {"hw": "chalk", "wrapper": "time-round-rosegold-14"} ] } {% endscreenshot_viewer %}

Standard Attributes

title, tinyIcon, body.

Color Elements

Layout Property Applies To
primaryColor Title
backgroundColor Banner background

Example JSON

  "id": "pin-generic-createmessage-1",
  "time": "2015-04-30T23:45:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "genericPin",
    "title": "This is a genericPin!",
    "subtitle": "With a notification",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG"
  "createNotification": {
    "layout": {
      "type": "genericNotification",
      "title": "Notification!",
      "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG",
      "body": "A new genericPin has appeared!"

Pin Actions

Pins can be further customized by adding actions to them. This allows bi- directional interactivity for pin-based apps. These apps can have multiple actions associated with them, allowing different launch behavior depending on how the user interacts with the pin.

The table below shows the available actions that can be added to a pin. Required attributes are shown in bold.

Action type Description Attributes
openWatchApp Launch the watchapp associated with this pin. The launchCode field of this action object will be passed to the watchapp and can be obtained with launch_get_args(). title, launchCode.
http Execute an HTTP request that invokes this action on the remote service. See HTTP Actions for full attribute details.

Using a Launch Code

Launch codes can be used to pass a single integer value from a specific timeline pin to the app associated with it when it is lauched from that pin. This mechanism allows the context to be given to the app to allow it to change behavior based on the action chosen.

For example, a pin could have two actions associated with an app for making restaurant table reservations that allowed the user to cancel the reservation or review the restaurant. To set up these actions, add them to the pin when it is pushed to the timeline API.

"actions": [
    "title": "Cancel Table",
    "type": "openWatchApp",
    "launchCode": 15
    "title": "Leave Rating",
    "type": "openWatchApp",
    "launchCode": 22

Reading the Launch Code

When the user sees the pin and opens the action menu, they can select one of these actions which will launch the watchapp (as dictated by the openWatchApp pin action type). When the app launches, use launch_get_args() to read the value of the launchCode associated with the chosen action, and react accordingly. An example is shown below;

if(launch_reason() == APP_LAUNCH_TIMELINE_ACTION) {
  uint32_t arg = launch_get_args();

  switch(arg) {
    // Cancel table UI...

    // Leave a review UI...


HTTP Actions

With the http pin action type, pins can include actions that carry out an arbitrary HTTP request. This makes it possible for a web service to be used purely by pushed pins with actions that respond to those events.

The table below details the attributes of this type of pin action object. Items shown in bold are required.

Attribute Type Default Description
title String mandatory The title of the action.
url String mandatory The URL of the remote service to send the request to.
method String POST The request method, such as GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.
headers Object {} Dictionary of key-value pairs of headers (Content-Type is implied by using bodyJSON) as required by the remote service.
bodyText String '' The data body of the request in String format.
bodyJSON Object unspecified The data body of the request in JSON object format.
successText String "Done!" The string to display if the action is successful.
successIcon Pin Icon URL system://images/GENERIC_CONFIRMATION The icon to display if the action is successful.
failureText String "Failed!" The string to display if the action is unsuccessful.
failureIcon Pin Icon URL system://images/RESULT_FAILED The icon to display if the action is unsuccessful.

Note: bodyText and bodyJSON are mutually exclusive fields (they cannot be used together in the same request). You should choose that which is most convenient for your implementation.

Note: Do not include a body with HTTP methods that do not support one. This means that bodyText and bodyJSON cannot be used with GET or DELETE requests.

The following is an example action, using the http action type to confirm attendance at a meeting managed by a fictitious meeting scheduling service.

"actions": [
    "type": "http",
    "title": "Confirm Meeting",
    "url": "",
    "method": "PUT",
    "headers": {
      "X-Request-Source": "pebble-timeline",
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "bodyText": "type=confirm&value=1",
    "successIcon": "system://images/GENERIC_CONFIRMATION",
    "successText": "Confirmed!"

Alternatively, pins can use the bodyJSON field to encode a JSON object. Include this data using the bodyJSON field.

"actions": [
    "type": "http",
    "title": "Confirm Meeting",
    "url": "",
    "method": "PUT",
    "headers": {
      "X-Request-Source": "pebble-timeline"
    "bodyJSON": {
      "type": "confirm",
      "value": true
    "successIcon": "system://images/GENERIC_CONFIRMATION",
    "successText": "Confirmed!"

Included Headers

When using the http action, the request will also include the following additional headers. Developers can use these to personalize the timeline experience to each individual user.

Header Key Value
X-Pebble-Account-Token Same as Pebble.getAccountToken()
X-Pebble-Watch-Token Same as Pebble.getWatchToken()

Testing Pins

Using CloudPebble

When editing a CloudPebble project, developers can test inserting and deleting any pin using the 'Timeline' tab at the top left of the screen. Use the text field to construct the pin, then one of the two buttons to test it out.

Note: Once a pin with a specific id has been deleted, that id cannot be reused.

Push Pins with the Pebble Tool

It is also possible to push new timeline pins using the pebble {% guide_link tools-and-resources/pebble-tool %}. Prepare your pin in a JSON file, such as example-pin.json shown below:

  "id": "pin-generic-1",
  "time": "2015-03-18T15:45:00Z",
  "layout": {
    "type": "genericPin",
    "title": "This is a genericPin!",
    "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG"

Push this pin to your emulator to preview how it will appear for users.

$ pebble insert-pin example-pin.json

The pin will appear as shown below:

pin-preview >{pebble-screenshot,pebble-screenshot--time-red}

It is possible to delete the pin in a similar manner, making sure the id is the same as the pin to be removed:

$ pebble delete-pin --id pin-generic-1