2024-02-21 06:51:57 -03:00

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Colect opinion of player with electronic urn.


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📦 Depends:

Mod Name Dependency Type Descryption
default Mandatory Minetest Game Included.


Command Parameter Descryption
/president [<candidate_name>] Show or Select the presidente of the server. Need the electoraljudge privilege.
/candidateme [<political campaign>] Register your campaign to run for server president.
/discandidateme Unregister your campaign to run for server president.
/candidates Show the name of all candidates for president.
/candidate or /campaign [<candidate_name>] Show the Campaign of candidate for president.
/vote [<candidate_name>] Vote for a specific candidate for president. Need a minimum number of hours of online play.
/unvote Unvote for presidetial candidate.
/votes Show the name of all candidates for president with the amount of votes. Need privilege electoraljudge.


  • <array> modEUrn.getPresidentCandidates() : Return a array with name of all presidente candidates of the server. Return empty array if not exist.
  • <string/nil> modEUrn.getPresidentName() : Return a string with the presidente name of the server. Return nil if not exist.
  • modEUrn.doSave() : Save database em file e-urm.db.