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synced 2025-03-15 14:11:26 +00:00
* Add tabheader & sent formspec * Add show_sent function and show sent messages * Remove comment on selected_idxs test (show_sent) * Add variable to keep the previous tab instead of going back to the first one * Remove index variable verification on mark read/unread buttons since they are necessarily clicked on inbox view * Resize messages table to be aligned with close button at the bottom * Show date time (#27) * Show date in message reading * Fix wrong registered dates Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> * Rework header layout to add better space for date --------- Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> * Add insertion of messages into global storage mail.messages.json * Receive player messages from global storage * Add automatic generation of status for a new message (unread) * Mark read/unread/delete a message * Fix messages loading * Show every message received/sent via specific functions * Use global contacts functions and reconfigure add/remove functions * Create mail lists formspec based on contacts * Add deleting contact * Add ability to create mail lists * Fix inability to edit contact * Rework on editing/deletion of contacts/maillists * Add at symbol as prefix on maillists view * Add ability to choose default status (to/cc/bcc) Signed-off-by: Athozus <athozus@gmail.com> * Add ability to add multiples players and choose their default status (to/cc/bcc) * Add ability to use maillist in messages and receive messages from them * Fix repetition of code causing a crash * Avoid multiples occurences of the same messages due to player both in maillist and receivers * Fix selected indexes for inbox/sent Now separated, fixed show_message() func selection of id from table dcl/read btn * Fix many issues related to maillists Notably : edit, delete, selection, creation, registration of players * Set up database version v3 and its migration from v2 + Check versions to choose v1->v2 or v2->v3 * Fix mtt.lua Due to old function getMessages(), replaced by getPlayerInboxMessages() * Add 10 seconds security to mtt.lua * Fix migrate.lua non-declared variable * Send msg table with string keys in mtt * Better log messages * Add message check * Fix mtt crash * Better syntax in storage.lua * Fix bcc forgotten in mail.send() * Fix mtt issue * Better compatibility for messages storage Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> * Replace mail.split by builtin func Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> * Use builtin split func Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> * Use builtin split func in storage.lua * re-add mtt if * luacheck on PR * add check for an ancient issue with missing `to` field * Fix luacheck on storage.lua * Fix luacheck warnings in migrate.lua * Fix luacheck warnings in gui.lua * Fix luacheck (too long lines) in storage.lua * Unused loop values in migrate.lua * Whitespace line in gui.lua * Whitespace line (init.lua) * Whitespace line (api.lua) * Significantly improve maillist behaviour Replace maillist by its players when sending a message List of players separated by , Avoid doublons when editing more than 2 times a maillist * Fix luacheck * Fix table insertions at first index when no needed * Use funcs * Do not add maillist as a new contact when sending a mail * Fix removing elements from tables * Check maillists not added in contacts * storage rewrite wip * storage format docs * refactor ui components * show_compose cleanup * remove unused channel.lua * error -> err * status refactoring * contacts refactoring * maillist refactoring * docs * tests * fix some issues * re-enable migrations * contributors * prefix mail entries in the mod storage * internalize old mail-paths to migration module * add v1 and v2 player db examples and migration test * Ui improvements & fixes Move events code (if fields.x then) to events.lua (instead of inbox.lua), fix tab selection when going backward * Show most recent messages at first (outbox) * unified-inv fix --------- Signed-off-by: Athozus <athozus@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: SX <50966843+S-S-X@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: BuckarooBanzay <BuckarooBanzay@users.noreply.github.com>
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Mail format
The mail format in the api hooks
mail = {
from = "sender name",
to = "players, which, are, addressed",
cc = "carbon copy",
bcc = "players, which, get, a, copy, but, are, not, visible, to, others",
subject = "subject line",
body = "mail body"
The fields to
, cc
and bcc
can contain a player, multiple player names separated by commas, or be empty.
Players in to
are the recipiants, who are addressed directly. cc
specifies players that get the mail to get notified, but are not immediate part of the conversation.
There is no technical difference between to
and cc
, it just implies meaning for the players.
Players can see all fields making up the mail except bcc
, which is the only difference to cc
Sending mail
local success, error = mail.send({
from = "singleplayer",
to = "playername",
cc = "carbon, copy",
bcc = "blind, carbon, copy",
subject = "subject line",
body = "mail body"
-- if "success" is false the error parameter will contain a message
On-receive mail hook:
-- "m" is an object in the form: "Mail format"
mod-storage entry for a player (indexed by playername and serialized with json):
contacts = {
-- name of the player (unique key in the list)
name = "",
-- note
note = ""
inbox = {
-- globally unique mail id
id = "d6cce35c-487a-458f-bab2-9032c2621f38",
-- sending player name
from = "",
-- receiving player name
to = "",
-- carbon copy (optional)
cc = "playername, playername2",
-- blind carbon copy (optional)
bcc = "",
-- mail subject
subject = "",
-- mail body
body = "",
-- timestamp (os.time())
time = 1234,
-- read-flag (true: player has read the mail, inbox only)
read = true
outbox = {
-- same format as "inbox"
lists = {
-- name of the maillist (unique key in the list)
name = "",
-- description
description = "",
-- playername list
players = {"playername", "playername2"}