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2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
# textdomain: default
Locked Chest=Peti Berkunci
Locked Chest (owned by @1)=Peti Berkunci (milik @1)
You do not own this chest.=Ini bukan peti milik anda.
a locked chest=peti berkunci
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
by @1=oleh @1
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Page @1 of @2=Halaman @1 daripada @2
The book you were writing to mysteriously disappeared.=Buku yang anda tulis hilang secara misterinya.
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
"@1" by @2="@1" oleh @2
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
Blueberries=Beri Biru
Book with Text=Buku Bertulisan
Bronze Ingot=Jongkong Gangsa
Clay Brick=Bata Tanah Liat
Clay Lump=Longgokan Tanah Liat
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Coal Lump=Longgokan Batu Arang
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
Copper Ingot=Jongkong Tembaga
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Copper Lump=Longgokan Tembaga
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
Flint=Batu Api
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Gold Ingot=Jongkong Emas
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
Gold Lump=Longgokan Emas
Iron Lump=Longgokan Besi
Mese Crystal=Kristal Mese
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Mese Crystal Fragment=Serpihan Kristal Mese
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Obsidian Shard=Serpihan Obsidia
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
Steel Ingot=Jongkong Keluli
Stick=Serpihan Kayu
Tin Ingot=Jongkong Timah
Tin Lump=Longgokan Timah
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Furnace is empty=Relau masih kosong
100% (output full)=100% (keluaran penuh)
Not cookable=Tidak boleh dimasak
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Furnace active=Relau aktif
Furnace inactive=Relau tidak aktif
(Item: @1; Fuel: @2)=(Item: @1; Bahan api: @2)
Cobblestone=Batu Buntar
Stone Brick=Bata Batu
Stone Block=Bongkah Batu
Mossy Cobblestone=Batu Buntar Berlumut
Desert Stone=Batu Gurun
Desert Cobblestone=Batu Buntar Gurun
Desert Stone Brick=Bata Batu Gurun
Desert Stone Block=Bongkah Batu Gurun
Sandstone=Batu Pasir
Sandstone Brick=Bata Batu Pasir
Sandstone Block=Bongkah Batu Pasir
Desert Sandstone=Batu Pasir Gurun
Desert Sandstone Brick=Bata Batu Pasir Gurun
Desert Sandstone Block=Bongkah Batu Pasir Gurun
Silver Sandstone=Batu Pasir Perak
Silver Sandstone Brick=Bata Batu Pasir Perak
Silver Sandstone Block=Bongkah Batu Pasir Perak
Obsidian Brick=Bata Obsidia
Obsidian Block=Bongkah Obsidia
Dirt with Grass=Tanah Berumput
Dirt with Grass and Footsteps=Tanah Berumput dan Tapak Kaki
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Berumput Savana
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Dirt with Snow=Tanah Bersalji
Dirt with Rainforest Litter=Tanah Bersarap Hutan Hujan
Dirt with Coniferous Litter=Tanah Bersarap Hutan Konifer
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Savanna Dirt=Tanah Savana
Savanna Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Savana Berumput Savana
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Permafrost=Ibun Abadi
Permafrost with Stones=Ibun Abadi Berbatu
Permafrost with Moss=Ibun Abadi Berlumut
Desert Sand=Pasir Gurun
Silver Sand=Pasir Perak
Clay=Tanah Liat
Snow Block=Bongkah Salji
Cave Ice=Ais Gua
Apple Tree=Kayu Pokok Epal
Apple Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Epal
Apple Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Epal
Apple Tree Leaves=Daun Pokok Epal
Apple Marker=Penanda Epal
Jungle Tree=Kayu Pokok Hutan
Jungle Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Hutan
Jungle Tree Leaves=Daun Pokok Hutan
Jungle Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Hutan
Emergent Jungle Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Hutan Kembang
Pine Tree=Kayu Pokok Pain
Pine Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Pain
Pine Needles=Daun Pokok Pain
Pine Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Pain
Acacia Tree=Kayu Pokok Akasia
Acacia Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Akasia
Acacia Tree Leaves=Daun Pokok Akasia
Acacia Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Akasia
Aspen Tree=Kayu Pokok Aspen
Aspen Wood Planks=Papan Kayu Aspen
Aspen Tree Leaves=Daun Pokok Aspen
Aspen Tree Sapling=Anak Pokok Aspen
Coal Ore=Bijih Batu Arang
Coal Block=Bongkah Batu Arang
Iron Ore=Bijih Besi
Steel Block=Bongkah Keluli
Copper Ore=Bijih Tembaga
Copper Block=Bongkah Tembaga
Tin Ore=Bijih Timah
Tin Block=Bongkah Timah
Bronze Block=Bongkah Gangsa
Mese Ore=Bijih Mese
Mese Block=Bongkah Mese
Gold Ore=Bijih Emas
Gold Block=Bongkah Emas
Diamond Ore=Bijih Intan
Diamond Block=Bongkah Intan
Large Cactus Seedling=Benih Kaktus Besar
Dry Shrub=Pokok Renek Kering
Jungle Grass=Rumput Hutan
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Savanna Grass=Rumput Savana
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Fern=Paku Pakis
Marram Grass=Rumput Maram
Bush Stem=Batang Belukar
Bush Leaves=Daun Belukar
Bush Sapling=Anak Belukar
Blueberry Bush Leaves with Berries=Daun Belukar Beri Biru Berberi
Blueberry Bush Leaves=Daun Belukar Beri Biru
Blueberry Bush Sapling=Anak Belukar Beri Biru
Acacia Bush Stem=Batang Belukar Akasia
Acacia Bush Leaves=Daun Belukar Akasia
Acacia Bush Sapling=Anak Belukar Akasia
Pine Bush Stem=Batang Belukar Pain
Pine Bush Needles=Daun Belukar Pain
Pine Bush Sapling=Anak Belukar Pain
Green Coral=Batu Karang Hijau
Pink Coral=Batu Karang Merah Jambu
Cyan Coral=Batu Karang Biru Kehijauan
Brown Coral=Batu Karang Perang
Orange Coral=Batu Karang Jingga
Coral Skeleton= Rangka Karang
Water Source=Sumber Air
Flowing Water=Air Mengalir
River Water Source=Sumber Air Sungai
Flowing River Water=Air Sungai Mengalir
Lava Source=Sumber Lava
Flowing Lava=Lava Mengalir
Empty Bookshelf=Rak Buku Kosong
Bookshelf (@1 written, @2 empty books)=Rak Buku (@1 buku bertulis, @2 buku kosong)
Bookshelf=Rak Buku
Text too long=Tulisan terlalu panjang
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Wooden Sign=Papan Tanda Kayu
Steel Sign=Papan Tanda Keluli
Wooden Ladder=Tangga Panjat Kayu
Steel Ladder=Tangga Panjat Keluli
Apple Wood Fence=Pagar Kayu Epal
Acacia Wood Fence=Pagar Kayu Akasia
Jungle Wood Fence=Pagar Kayu Hutan
Pine Wood Fence=Pagar Kayu Pain
Aspen Wood Fence=Pagar Kayu Aspen
Apple Wood Fence Rail=Pagar Rel Kayu Epal
Acacia Wood Fence Rail=Pagar Rel Kayu Akasia
Jungle Wood Fence Rail=Pagar Rel Kayu Hutan
Pine Wood Fence Rail=Pagar Rel Kayu Pain
Aspen Wood Fence Rail=Pagar Rel Kayu Aspen
Obsidian Glass=Kaca Obsidia
Brick Block=Bongkah Bata
Mese Lamp=Lampu Mese
Update Malay translations 1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
2023-12-01 05:56:21 +08:00
Apple Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Epal
Acacia Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Akasia
Jungle Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Hutan
Pine Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Pain
Aspen Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Aspen
2019-12-01 00:31:40 +08:00
Wooden Pickaxe=Beliung Kayu
Stone Pickaxe=Beliung Batu
Bronze Pickaxe=Beliung Gangsa
Steel Pickaxe=Beliung Keluli
Mese Pickaxe=Beliung Mese
Diamond Pickaxe=Beliung Intan
Wooden Shovel=Penyodok Kayu
Stone Shovel=Penyodok Batu
Bronze Shovel=Penyodok Gangsa
Steel Shovel=Penyodok Keluli
Mese Shovel=Penyodok Mese
Diamond Shovel=Penyodok Intan
Wooden Axe=Kapak Kayu
Stone Axe=Kapak Batu
Bronze Axe=Kapak Gangsa
Steel Axe=Kapak Keluli
Mese Axe=Kapak Mese
Diamond Axe=Kapak Intan
Wooden Sword=Pedang Kayu
Stone Sword=Pedang Batu
Bronze Sword=Pedang Gangsa
Steel Sword=Pedang Keluli
Mese Sword=Pedang Mese
Diamond Sword=Pedang Intan
@1 will intersect protection on growth.=@1 akan masuk kawasan perlindungan lain apabila ia tumbuh.
2021-02-06 14:07:07 +00:00
##### not used anymore #####
Dirt with Dry Grass=Tanah Berumput Kering
Dry Dirt=Tanah Kering
Dry Dirt with Dry Grass=Tanah Kering Berumput Kering
Dry Grass=Rumput Kering
Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese