- With the help of ChatGPT, the IProgram interface has been rewritten to handle command line arguments.
- Speaking of, the CST parser has been rewritten to finally support arguments with the help of ChatGPT too.
- Separately from the ChatGPT changes, the Run method has been renamed to Entry.
- Terminal's entry code is now top-level.
See ChangeLog.md for more details.
- Renamed GlobalUsings.cs to Usings.cs
- Refractored SysFS
- Seperated building of the terminal and unit tests
- To save on resources, the unit tests job on runs on Ubuntu
- Imported CSTNet parser to kernal under Globalization namespace
- Added System.Diagnostics to global usings
- Split version systems between kernal and terminal emulator (see changelog)
- Commented and documented SysFS
- CosmosVFS instance is now global
- Wrapper around CosmosVFS' file and directory creation.
- If the file system is activate, system activity will be logged
- With the help of ChatGPT, some of the code is now properly commented
- Switched to calendar versioning due to the huge time skip and architectural changes
- Screenshot!
- Run() loop in the shell is now wrapped in a try-catch statement.
- Added Github CI
- Removed OSConsts and TermConsts
- Programs can now access the programs dictionary directly from the shell
- The old App abstract class has been scrapped in favor of the IProgram interface in the Tomas.Interface library.
- A new terminal emulator was created when not on Windows.
- In both OS and terminal, a single dictionary has the commands and classes that implement IProgram.
- Start() now returns a boolean that behaves similar to C's main in returning an integer.
- A new while loop in both terminal and kernel handles the execution of programs.