Rebbecca Bishop 704166a4af
Initial Commit of 5e Data
Signed-off-by: Sigrunixia <Scholarlysigrun@icloud.com>
2023-09-15 21:32:07 -05:00

788 B

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Winged Boots

Winged Boots

Wondrous Item, major, uncommon (requires attunement)

  • Properties: Requires Attunement
  • Cost: ⏤
  • Weight: ⏤

While you wear these boots, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can use the boots to fly for up to 4 hours, all at once or in several shorter flights, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. If you are flying when the duration expires, you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round until you land.

The boots regain 2 hours of flying capability for every 12 hours they aren't in use.

Source: SRD / Basic Rules