Tony Bark e5505a3244 Tax system
- New tax system
- Advisor window modeled after SC3k's
- Advisor start_dialogue() function is now connected to a SimEvent "advisor_message" signal
- Advisor windows are now autoloaded and no longer part of the core interface node
- Added 3D buildings from Micropolis repo
2021-05-22 04:12:18 -04:00

10 lines
270 B

extends HBoxContainer
onready var city_name = $CityNameLbl
onready var budget = $BudgetLbl
onready var year = $YearLbl
func _process(delta):
city_name.text = SimData.city_name
budget.text = SimData.currency + str(SimData.budget)
year.text = "Y" + str(SimData.year)