- Removed new line when choosing a topic
- Renamed newscycle.json to example.json in config
- Changed path to "/" in config
- If "/" is present in config, return the absolute current directory
- Cleaned up Program.cs by moving a lot of functions to their own classes
- Renamed topics to community
- Choosing a community is no longer optional with the switch to JSON
- Added csharpier tool and reformttered all code
- Forgot I used IList instead of List
- Introduced the Tracer class. This allows writing text to the terminal in Debug mode, regardless of if a Debugger is attached.
Added version to 0.2.101 (0.1 outputting the original .txt file)
- Default config settings (if no file is found) is now set in GetConfig()
Honestly, this turned out to be bigger than I anticipated, but I'm enjoying myself.