* Condensed STR# reading of formats 0, -1, -2, and -4 together.
* The STR# parser now supports "formatless" format 0 STR# chunks.
* Made all of the command-line tools cross-platform; replaced file IO with fopen()/etc, and replaced time measurement with clock(). There is no longer a dependency on Windows.h.
* Added a "Server GUI" folder to tools. Niotso Server will basically be a background daemon., and communication would "normally" be through the command line until you run a GUI.
* Implemented the rewrite of the iff library, submitted by Propeng. The linked list has been completely replaced with vectors or normal arrays.
* Started work on the cur and tga parsers
Added BMP (24-bit uncompressed, 8-bit uncompressed, and RLE8) and PNG support to File::ReadImageFile(). So far everything in FileHandler is presumed to be safe with any input file except UTK decompression.
Also started making use of the static keyword in various places to aid the compiler in optimization.
The sprite loader code has been prettied up and rennovated quite a bit.
*NOTE: Fatbag, TSO sometimes has palette (PALT) resources that are not the same
as those described at simtec. Since you want to do the real figuring out, well,
have fun :)
Support for SPR# and SPR2 was added to iff2html.
*NOTE: The default exporter used is the PNG one, since web browsers
don't like targa. However, since there is a bug in my PNG exporter, I would
recommend that you use the targa exporter for a precise representation of the
loaded sprite frame(s). Feel free to fix the PNG exporter, btw :)
New client code for Windows. The window does not appear until the OpenGL rendering context has completely initialized and (one day) has the first frame ready to draw.